How To Use StreamScanner


Search for titles that contain the entire string entered here. In the future I might modify the search to search for each individual word separately, but for now, the title must contain THE EXACT PHRASE entered here in order to be returned.


Searches by streamer name. Will return streamers whose name contains the text entered here.


Formerly this was the game being played, but Twitch supports non-game topics now so it's Category. This field suggests auto-completions based on your typing, and you MUST select from the auto-complete list when searching by category or you won't get results.


Because of the large number of different tags, tag searches are all "contains" searches. This means a read tag will match streams with the tag read, but also reading, thread, and bread. This applies to "Include All", "Include Any", and "Exclude". You can add multiple tags of each kind, and tags are case-insensitive.

Include All: Streams are only returned if the stream has ALL of the tags listed

Include Any: Streams are returned if they match at least one of the tags listed

Exclude: Streams with the tags listed here won't be returned
